Michael DeCorte, Vinyassa + Yin Yoga

Michael has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than two decades. He was officially certified to teach yoga by Downward Dog Yoga Centre (Toronto ) in 2008.

Michael’s philosophy is that people come to yoga because something in their life is off or broken either physically, mentally or spiritually. Michael, himself, came to yoga when he was struggling with addiction. Yoga was a big part of his rehabilitation process, and it still is to this day.

Because of his background with weightlifting and marathon-running, Michael developed and maintained the popular Canadian brand Jock Yoga for a number of years across Canada and even a little into the USA.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael took his teachings online and, for four years, he led a group of yogis through their practice during a challenging time.

Emerging from the pandemic, Michael recognizes the need for a regular yoga practice now more than ever. He teaches a broad range of yoga modalities from beginner vinyasa classes to very challenging power flow classes.

More recently, Michael met the call for our collective need to slow down and cultivate mindfulness by being certified in teaching Yin yoga.

It is Michael’s mission to truly teach his classes rather than simply leading students through a practice. In his vinyasa classes, you can expect to work hard and break a sweat (or chill out in his yin classes) while still learning about your breath and body, and how to be mindful.

Upcoming Programs by Michael DeCorte, Vinyassa + Yin Yoga

Fall Wellness Series: A Very Demure + Very Mindful Wellness Weekend: Yoga + Pilates at Dimensions Algonquin Highlands (two nights)

Also With Carla Kava, Yoga + Pilates

December 7 - 9, 2024

Tap into your strength, learn about your breath and body, and deepen your understanding of mindfulness with Carla Kava and Michael DeCorte. This dynamic duo brings their Pilates and yoga expertise to Dimensions for an exclusive weekend engagement. A brief reset at Dimensions Algonquin Highlands may be just what you need to feel more grounded, […]